Where Imagination Meets Precision in Code! 

React Project

E-commerce Project

This ReactJS project demonstrates a top-tier web application utilizing custom hooks for state management, Material-UI for a sleek interface, and the PayPal API for secure transactions. It employs lazy loading for swift performance and Framer Motion for fluid animations. The app is further enhanced by incorporating Strapi as a CMS, hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), ensuring robust content management and scalability.

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E-commerce Project
Search bar feature

React Project

Search bar feature
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React Project


React Project

To-do List App

An application that provides a practical and advanced demonstration of how to effectively manage state in ReactJS applications. This to-do list application features two custom hooks, useLocalStorage and useTodos, which showcase complex state management concepts.

To-do List App
Lazy Loading Example

JavaScript Project

Lazy Loading Example
Workshop: Fetch

JavaScript Project

Workshop: Fetch

React Project

Formik with Yup Validation

In this project, Formik and Yup are paired to create an advanced form management and validation system for a React application. Formik is utilized to manage forms, while Yup, a JavaScript schema validation library, is used to validate user input against predefined rules. The project provides insights into using Formik and Yup together for efficient form management and user input validation in a React application.

Formik with Yup Validation

Made by Josué Hernández